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Every webmaster/SEO enthusiast will almost definitely benefit from using our indexing service as we speed up the process of your back links being indexed, the more “votes” (backlinks) your website has that are INDEXED and the higher your ranking positions will be, that is fact! So to summarise, anybody who owns or runs a website can benefit from this superb service.

For new customers, it is very easy, simply register to the site, the register button is found on the top right of this website, click on the register button and simply fill in some details, for example your username, email, etc. etc. You will then be sent out an activation email which contains a unique link, simply click on that link to activate and verify your email. Once that is completed, your almost ready to come aboard, you simply need to pay for your express ticket, which is simple enough, the only payment method we accept is PayPal, if you don’t have this and still want to use our service please CONTACT us, we will try our best to accommodate you. Now, select your express indexer package, pay for the monthly subscription via PayPal, once completed your account will be activated and ready to use! It’s really that simple. Choo, Choo!

Billing & Packages/Credits are assigned automatically, You will be awarded your credits once your payment has been processed and confirmed by PayPal, PayPal have their own policies on the time it takes to process a payment, Their policy states that it can take upto 24 hours to process payments, therefore if you have subscribed to a package and your account still does not reflect your package, please allow upto 24 hours from purchasing, if you still don't have your package/credits, then simply contact us and we'll gladly help.

This could be a number of possibilities, one of which would be the quality of your back link, if you’ve placed a backlink on a page that is completely spammed to death, there is a slight chance that your link will not get indexed, simply because google refuses to index these types of links, this cannot be helped unfortunately, even building links to those particular links would be a waste of resources. We have tested our method during the beta stages and our tests indicate that we can achieve 80% index rates for medium to high quality back link sources, this is a huge percentage, so we do suggest that, to improve index rates, try to improve your link sources.

If you need to get in contact with us please simply use the CONTACT facility located above the header, we will reply within 24 – 48 hours depending on weekdays.

We aim to serve as many customers as possible, we try to be flexible, if you require a package that is not listed just contact us and we will try and come to a resolution. There are quite a few packages available right now so you should be all set.

This has happened to many users who do not keep a track on how many links they build, this is not a problem sometimes you may think you only need a lower package but then you run out of credits in 10 days! What to do is simple, simply repurchase your package again, or go for a higher package, the only way to get more credits is by purchasing them, once you re-purchase your credits/package, these are then available to you for 30 days from the day you purchased them.

Please understand, although we are most probably one of the only online indexers to allow customers to keep and store their unused credits each month, you will need to continue to have an active subscription in placein order to keep your account activated so you can use your credits, this means you could potentially purchase the largest plan, then if you only use half of these credits, instead of paying for the largest plan again, youmay purchase the lowest package in order to keep your account active and continue to use your credits. Every package, once purchased, gives you the specified credits and also activates your account for usage of these credits/packagefor 30 days, if you do not cancel you package, your account will remain active and you will be billed each month and all credits will continue to carry over. If you cancel your subscription and your account becomes inactive, don't worry, all unused credits will be stored on your account when you are ready to subscribe to a plan to reactivate, we require this type of service fee to help maintain our servers as it still takes server power in order to process your submissions.